April 29, 2020 | Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 29, 2020. Conference call meeting
Members attended:
Dennis Murphy
Sandy Griffith
Lee Demopolus
Mike Loshavio
Kenny Griffith
Jill Albert
Elaine Souza
David Byrd
This meeting came to order when we discussed accepting the minutes of our last meeting that Dennis emailed everyone. They were accepted and motioned by Elaine, as seconded by Dennis.
Dennis announced he completed the membership list and sent it to Elaine and Jill on the membership committee.
It was mentioned next, that the 2 students were chosen for receiving our I R S C, scholarship we award to the College each year. However, we did not get an acknowledgment from
our contact at the office in Indian River State College yet. Dennis asked if we have a donation balance at the school, as we were told, may we apply that to the students awarded this year? There has been no response yet.
We have not been getting Bank Statements from our Bank, through the mail box, since the changeover of name of the Club. And since Danielle was put on as administrator of bank account on-
line account. Danielle was sick and could not attended this meeting. So, we will follow up on that.
Dennis reported he is handling the makeup of business cards for us. He’s checking on how we can get them done. He needs the logo from Hawk to get the cards done.
Lee was asked about T-Shirt orders. Hawk had emailed him about prices on them. Lee received the email. We talked about hopefully getting women’s Tee shirts, and hats. Since it was discussed he found embroidery on hats is better and only a slight difference in price, we should order them that way. Lee is researching them.
It was suggested by Dennis, that he, Jill and Elaine could do calls to members and even corporate members to follow up emails he’s done. They agreed, and will work with him. We
also agreed to hold off on the businesses for a while. Because of the closing of businesses for the Virus pandemic we are all experiencing now. It was understood.
Next, we discussed the Picnic we had planned for May 3rd, has been canceled. Also, to reschedule, Kenny suggested an indoor venue, in the same area, called the Walton Community Center.
They have facilities inside, with air conditioning, a usage of the bar, and lots of room, we could BBQ,in parking lot. It is off of Indian River Dr and Walton Rd. We will check it out. It’s under the
Ft. Pierce Parks and Recreation, in Ft. Pierce, Fl. Sandy and Kenny will find out about renting it. And we tabled it till next meeting.
Dennis suggested we form an events committee. Since Elaine, and I have always handled that, and helped the President, we will continue. As well as help from Lee, and Jill. They always help at the events, which we appreciate. Dave may be able to also.
David asked if we could have a Facebook and website administrator announce and update which bars and restaurants our musicians’ gig at, that are opening up after Pandemic. Dennis said we should talk to Hawk about posting those. But we need someone to update our website, badly. If Hawk cannot, Dennis has thought about getting a person to handle that, as S. Florida Blues Society does.
It was suggested also that we have a disclaimer posted about our Big Daddy Relief Fund,
not being created to withstand economic depression times as these. That we agreed, that if we help one musician at this time, monetarily, we would have to help them all! And that’s not how we created the fund to help them. So, Dennis will create a disclaimer and handle it.
It was voted on and agreed to set the next meeting date, for June 3rd, Wednesday, at 7pm. It be a conference call, because we don’t all have access to computers with updated windows to use Zoom. If there are subjects to be discussed at next meeting, Dennis wants them emailed to him, beforehand, “Please”.
Jill and Elaine motioned to adjourn this meeting, and Lee seconded that.
Sandra Griffith, Recording Secretary, Treasure Coast Blues Society